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w e  w a n t  t o  m a k e  J e s u s  e a s y  t o  s e e 

believe     belong     become

B E   S E N T

The Mission on the Mountain is a ministry that fosters encounters with MORE of God. We seek to teach, equip, activate and launch missionary disciples into the here and now. 


Through the Holy Spirit, we will make worship, hearing God’s voice, and prayer our main priority. Significant time will be dedicated to teaching, impartation, personal spiritual growth, inner healing, and sanctification. 


Our identity in Christ is the main thing! We will focus considerable effort into discovering and knowing who we are in Christ and developing Kingdom mindsets. 



Each of us has a unique set of gifts and a call to holiness. This call to holiness is what makes us disciples for Christ. Community and support are a significant part of The Mission on the Mountain's vision for sending missionary disciples out into the world. 

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all Scripture references are from
The Passion Translation
(The Passion Translation is a paraphrased version whose intention is to inspire a passion for Christ in its readers.)

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